Welcome to EDRAM
International Association for Environmentally Safe Disposal of Radioactive Materials (EDRAM)
Around the world, many countries are pursuing plans for long-term, deep geologic disposal of their spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste (also referred to as radioactive waste). The method is widely accepted as the best way we currently have to keep high level radioactive waste safe and protect people and the environment over the very long term.
When it comes to the safe and effective management of radioactive waste, collaboration and sharing best practices between countries is crucial.
The International Association for Environmentally Safe Disposal of Radioactive Materials (EDRAM) is one forum created for exactly that purpose. Made up of well-established organizations responsible for managing radioactive waste in their respective countries, the association’s main goal is to promote the exchange of knowledge, experience, and information among its members.
EDRAM was founded in 1998 to ensure worldwide robust programmes for disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, and, thus, to ensure safety for future generations. Its eleven member organizations represent following countries:
Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
United Kingdom, USA.
EDRAM Principles on Radioactive Waste Management
Objectives of Edram
In order to promote the exchange of knowledge, experience and information among its members, the association has the following objectives:
- To create a forum where strategic questions can be discussed among implementers with a view to supporting their individual approaches on policy issues, particularly as these relate to demonstrating safety and environmental protection to both the general public and to regulatory organizations.
- To support national efforts towards site selection and implementation of long-term disposal strategies and to promote a common understanding of waste management issues and the internationally recognized principles which apply thereto.
- To stimulate and promote coordinated research and development activities, particularly in underground research laboratories.
- To define positions and coordinate actions, where appropriate, in dealing with international organizations (e.g. OECD, IAEA, EU), whilst recognizing the value of open discussions with national governments and regulators initiated by such organizations.
- To discuss technical and management matters, particularly with a view to benchmarking and establishing optimum practices, without disrupting existing mechanisms for cooperation on specific projects.
International association for anvironmentally safe disposal of radiactive materials (EDRAM)
c/o BGE
Eschenstraße 55
31224 Peine
E-mail: Edram(at)bge.de
Responsible for content: Dagmar Dehmer
The aim of the website www.edram.info is to make it easier for the public to access information from EDRAM. EDRAM works like a network of national waste management organisations. Therefore here you find a way to the organisations forming EDRAM and some information about the purpose.
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