The need for geological disposal remains regardless of any position with respect to the closure of the nuclear fuel cycle and the application of…
The working group has defined some tools and basic guidelines for the comparison of cost assessments of geological repositories
The concept of future financial liability, according to the NEA/OECD study "Future Financial Liabilities Arising from Nuclear Activities" (1996), is…
publicación técnica 04/2001
Considerations on Possible Spent Fuel and High Level Waste Management Options
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB
Rolf Lidskog & Ann-Catrin Andersson
Delegates of EDRAM Member organizations, ANDRA, BGE, DOE, ENRESA, NAGRA, NUMO, NWMO, ONDRAF/NIRAS, POSIVA, RWM and SKB gathered in Toronto, Canada,…
The purpose of this report is to establish an overview of community benefits that are made available for communities hosting radioactive waste…